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monitors: back

abnoea: abnoeaPrimary Desktop 21-inch CRT with max_resolution of
Aerosilver: Denty McAirflowPrimary DesktopProview PX-986N 21-inch CRT with max_resolution of 1600x1200
Almighty Kerjo: Gaming KerjoPrimary DesktopSamsung 17-inch CRT with max_resolution of 1280x1024
Almighty Kerjo: Server KerjoSecondary DesktopProview 17-inch CRT with max_resolution of 1280x1024
Almighty Kerjo: Mobile KerjoSecondary LaptopDell 15-inch LCD with max_resolution of 1280x1024
amdoverclocker: computer 1 NEC 1760NX 17-inch LCD with max_resolution of 1280x1024
AWU_GigaByte: Dual BiosPrimary DesktopSony SDM-S73 RT 17-inch LCD with max_resolution of 1280x1024
AWU_GigaByte: AMD64Secondary LaptopEmachines 15-inch LCD with max_resolution of 1280x1024
AWU_GigaByte: HahahaSecondary DesktopGateway 2000 Crystal Scan 15-inch CRT with max_resolution of 1024x768
beltaine: morpheus v1.2Primary MAG 17-inch CRT with max_resolution of 1280x1024
BizzaroStormy: BizzaroRigPrimary DesktopSCEPTRE 19" CRT 19-inch CRT with max_resolution of 1600x1200
blackwidow: ottePrimary DesktopNEC LCD1760V 17-inch LCD with max_resolution of 1280x1024
Bulletbait: 3.12ghz 512mb pc3500Primary DesktopViewsonic 19-inch CRT with max_resolution of 2048x1536
Bulletbait: Kaypro 10 Non-Linear Systems 5-inch CRT with max_resolution of
cheeseman07: BoringPrimary DesktopCTX VL 700 17-inch CRT with max_resolution of 1280x1024
chimera: T DUBPrimary DesktopMAG 17-inch CRT with max_resolution of 1280x1024
christos: BastardChild (Need new name!)Primary DesktopNEC 17-inch CRT with max_resolution of 1280x768
Clubhouse: sweaterbreathPrimary DesktopViewsonic...something something 17-inch CRT with max_resolution of 1024x768
Combatjuan: CritterPrimary Desktop2 Mitsubishi 17in CRTs 17-inch CRT with max_resolution of 1280x1024
Curium: Primary NEC 17-inch CRT with max_resolution of 1600x1200
DARK: fxdreamPrimary DesktopSamsung - 955DF 19-inch CRT with max_resolution of 1600x1200
Dark Screen: Main b0xPrimary DesktopViewSonic 17-inch CRT with max_resolution of 1280x1024
Death: DeathPrimary DesktopBenq FP71E 17-inch LCD with max_resolution of 1600x1200
deranged_donut: HOMERPrimary DesktopViewsonic A90f+ 19-inch CRT with max_resolution of 1600x1200
deranged_donut: MaggieSecondary Desktopctx 17-inch CRT with max_resolution of
Ertza eone: My computerPrimary DesktopPhilips 109 B 21-inch CRT with max_resolution of 1600x1200
FairyTwinkler: FairyLandPrimary CTX 17-inch CRT with max_resolution of 1280x1024
FlameMage: at homePrimary DesktopGateway FPD 1730 17-inch LCD with max_resolution of 1280x1024
Foolio-->: FoolioPrimary DesktopAcer 19-inch LCD with max_resolution of 2048x1536
ghazi: Primary CTX 17-inch CRT with max_resolution of 1280x1024
Haste: At ISUPrimary Sony Trinitron 17-inch CRT with max_resolution of 1280x1024
Havoc: mace001Primary DesktopGATEWAY EV700 17-inch CRT with max_resolution of 1280x1024
Havoc: MACE001MSecondary LaptopGateway 11-inch LCD with max_resolution of 1024x768
HellishAngel: Primary CTX 17-inch CRT with max_resolution of 1280x1024
I need a doctor!: DoctorPrimary Desktop 23-inch with max_resolution of 1920x1440
jazzman: JazzmanPrimary DesktopNEC 21-inch CRT with max_resolution of 1280x1024
Jolly Roger: NikkitaPrimary DesktopIBM 15-inch TFT LCD with max_resolution of 1024x768
jritze: SupercompPrimary DesktopViewsonic 17-inch CRT with max_resolution of 1280x1024
Kurtis0006: NautilisPrimary DesktopMultisink 21-inch with max_resolution of 1920x1440
LargeRustySpoon: FlameyPrimary Desktop 22-inch CRT with max_resolution of 1600x1200
Leviathan: Primary Gaming boxPrimary DesktopKDS piece'o'crap 17-inch CRT with max_resolution of 1280x1024
loading: kill-billPrimary DesktopBenq 17-inch CRT with max_resolution of 1280x1024
lord foolber: FoolberPrimary Desktopveiwsonic 18-inch LCD with max_resolution of 1024x768
LordBlueWolf: MelchiorPrimary Samsung 17-inch CRT with max_resolution of 1600x1200
Lucid Priest: The Blue OnePrimary DesktopMAG 17-inch CRT with max_resolution of 1280x1024
mAdCoWZ: Dorm bizzox 1Primary DesktopSony Trinitron G410 19-inch CRT with max_resolution of 2048x1536
masterhaides: VladimirPrimary DesktopSony 21-inch CRT with max_resolution of 1600x1200
MasterVader: MasterVader - GamingPrimary DesktopViewSonic G90fb 19-inch with max_resolution of
mathyou: WhisperPrimary DesktopNEC-Mitsubishi DP930SB (x2) 19-inch CRT with max_resolution of 1920x1440
MeatPopsicle: DashaPrimary DesktopSamsun 17-inch CRT with max_resolution of 1280x1024
Megs: ^^Primary Desktop 17-inch CRT with max_resolution of 1024x768
Miko: Kaiser SosePrimary DesktopSamsung 193V 19-inch LCD with max_resolution of 1280x1024
Monkey: The UsualPrimary DesktopViewSonic 17-inch with max_resolution of 1600x1024
Morpheus: MainPrimary Envision 19-inch CRT with max_resolution of
notgoodatCS: The Teele MobilePrimary DesktopGateway 2000 (Made 'o' LEAD) 17-inch CRT with max_resolution of 1280x720
notgoodatCS: EmacrapSecondary DesktopAll my monitor in the trash belongs 15-inch CRT with max_resolution of 1024x768
OaTz: OaTzMacHine Version 1.0Primary Desktopviewsonic p95fx 19-inch CRT with max_resolution of 2048x1536
Poowill: CoolermasterPrimary DesktopSamsung 191T+ 19-inch TFT LCD with max_resolution of 1280x1024
Psycho_Mantis85: Trance MachinePrimary DesktopNokia 445Xi Plus 30-inch CRT with max_resolution of 2048x1536
Psycho_Mantis85: Uber LapTopSecondary Laptopomg its my l337 laptop Monitor ! 14-inch LCD with max_resolution of 1024x768
RedRanger: Red Ranger's ComputerPrimary DesktopAn Old Compaq Monitor 17-inch CRT with max_resolution of 1280x1024
Riddick51PB: SkyNetPrimary DesktopIBM (Sony Trinitron) 20-inch CRT with max_resolution of 2048x1536
riscphree: gaming boxPrimary DesktopHP 15-inch CRT with max_resolution of 1280x1024
riscphree: laptop 1Secondary Laptop 14-inch LCD with max_resolution of
riscphree: laptop 2Secondary Laptop 15-inch LCD with max_resolution of 1024x768
samuel whiskers: DasaiPrimary 17-inch CRT with max_resolution of 1280x1024
ScorpioN: my Rox0r box0rPrimary DesktopSamsung 17-inch CRT with max_resolution of 1280x1024
Seether: computer 1Primary DesktopSony SDM51 15-inch LCD with max_resolution of 1024x768
shadow: shadow.iiPrimary DesktopCompaq P110 21-inch CRT with max_resolution of 1600x1200
shadow: darknessSecondary Laptopgateway TFT 13-inch LCD with max_resolution of 1024x768
SirLoxElroy: ExcaliberPrimary DesktopDual 17inch MAG Monitors 17-inch CRT with max_resolution of 1920x1200
soulfx: SoulStationPrimary DesktopSamSung SyncMaster 700 NF 17-inch CRT with max_resolution of 1600x1200
soulfx: FlyingSoulSecondary LaptopCompaq 14-inch LCD with max_resolution of 1024x768
Spam: spam64Primary DesktopSamsung 17-inch TFT LCD with max_resolution of 1280x1024
SparkedFire: Piece of shi*Primary DesktopViewSonic E90fb 19-inch CRT with max_resolution of 1024x768
Spartan117: toms computerPrimary DesktopVeiw Sonic 17-inch CRT with max_resolution of 1280x1024
Steakeater: SteakPrimary Dell 19-inch CRT with max_resolution of 1600x1200
Steakeater: Laptop (USP) Builtin 13-inch LCD with max_resolution of 1024x768
Steakeater: Machine (T-BONE) Crappy 13-inch CRT with max_resolution of 640x480
TheButcher: RainMaker DeluxePrimary DesktopMag 17-inch CRT with max_resolution of 1280x1024
the_bent_eel: The Teele MobilePrimary DesktopMicron 17-inch CRT with max_resolution of 1280x1024
ToXiN_TrAin: ICEBOXPrimary DesktopHP 17-inch CRT with max_resolution of 1280x1024
Weenis: WeenisPrimary Samtron 17-inch CRT with max_resolution of 1280x1024
wEEzEl: wEEzElPrimary DesktopProview 17-inch CRT with max_resolution of 1280x1024
Zach: Betty's Ugly SisterSecondary Laptopibm 12-inch TFT LCD with max_resolution of 800x600
Zach: Betty's Hot AuntSecondary Laptopgateway 13-inch TFT LCD with max_resolution of 1024x768
Zach: Betty's Supermodel Trophy WifePrimary DesktopViewSonic Professional Series P95f+ 19-inch CRT with max_resolution of 2048x1536
ZWarrior: Gaming SystemPrimary DesktopNEC 22-inch CRT with max_resolution of 1280x1024
{w!}TheButcher: Rainmaker DeluxePrimary DesktopS and M Bikes Innovision 17-inch CRT with max_resolution of 2048x1536